Editor’s Note: FordyceLetter.com will cease publication at the end of business January 29. The website will remain online as it is now during a … Read more

Ron Mester
Ron Mester is president and CEO of ERE Media, Inc., which, through its four brands (TLNT, ERE, SourceCon, and The Fordyce Letter), is the pre-eminent source for information about talent acquisition and talent management. Before joining ERE Media, Mester served for eight years as president and CEO of Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA), transforming the company into the premier research and analysis firm covering the contingent workforce. He also spent 11 years with Towers Perrin (now Towers Watson) — including five years as a partner — where he advised Fortune 1000 companies in more than a dozen industries on human capital strategy, organizational effectiveness, and overall business strategy. He also served as an executive at two venture-backed startups in the research/business intelligence space and earned a patent for Zoomerang, which became one of the world’s top online survey tools (before being acquired in 2012 by SurveyMonkey).