At what point will employers realize that making the same job offer to multiple candidates without understanding what’s important to each of them is not … Read more

Michael Solomon
Michael Solomon is co-founder of 10x Ascend, a compensation advisory firm designed specifically for senior talent in technology to craft and negotiate compensation packages that reflect their values and fairly capture their worth, all while elevating their stature and goodwill with their future employer.
The firm's practice focuses exclusively on representing high value tech talent in employment negotiations. He has represented heads of cybersecurity, VPs of engineering, CTO, UX designers, and heads of DevOps who ended up working for companies ranging from Google, Salesforce, and Facebook to HSBC to YouTube and Nvidia.
He takes great pride in helping his clients clarify their priorities, finding every potential point of leverage and leaving no stone unturned. He is an established entrepreneur with a strong desire to help people, a sharp eye for business, and a desire to make a difference.
The five organizations he has helped found -- for-profit and nonprofit alike -- share a common goal of improving people’s lives. He has a passion for personal and professional growth and views optimizing himself and all that he works on as a personal mission.
He began his career working with Jon Landau Management on several Bruce Springsteen tours, followed by a three year stint at Epic Records and Sony Music. At age 25, his entrepreneurial spirit took over. He has co-founded five companies, three by the time he was 30.
A born and bred Manhattanite, he moved to Montclair, New Jersey, in 2014 with his awesome wife, Jenny, and two fantastic kids, Lucy and Rainen.