Over the next four years there will be a shortage of about 15,000 technical professionals in the Netherlands. At our Dutch, 7,000-employee energy company … Read more

Marnix de Groot
Marnix de Groot has over 10 years experience in the field of employer branding, marketing, recruitment, and technology. After obtaining his master's degree, he co-founded the marketing agency VONQ, which is now the European market leader in recruitment marketing services. In recent years, he has filled various positions and has completed a number of studies in the specialization of innovation and digital transformation (INSEAD). He is advising companies and startups about marketing and technology for recruitment and employer branding. He is a regularly-asked-for speaker for events on these topics. He is married and the father of three children and lives in The Netherlands. https://www.linkedin.com/in/marnixdegroot/