The Association of Talent Acquisition Professionals (ATAP) released its first measurement standard this week at the Fall 2018 SourceCon conference in … Read more

Ben Gotkin
Ben Gotkin is the executive director of the Association of Talent Acquisition Professionals (established in 2016) and principal consultant at Recruiting Toolbox. He draws from over 24 years of recruiting experience in a variety of tactical and strategic leadership roles at organizations including Recruiting Toolbox, Marriott International, RSM, The MITRE Corporation, Intelsat, and BAE Systems.
As a consultant/trainer and in his practitioner roles, his expertise has ranged on topics including recruitment strategies and processes, sourcing, interviewing & selection techniques, recruitment technology, program management, college recruiting, employment branding, and more. He was the founder and a past-president of the Washington, D.C.-based recruiter community, recruitDC. He has also served on The Candidate Experience Awards Council, was a board member of WTPF (a Washington, D.C.-based HR organization), and was an Expert Advisor with the Human Capital Institute. He has been the author of several recruiting blogs, has written and been quoted in articles for numerous recruiting-focused websites and major national publications, and has been a featured speaker and panelist at the ERE Expo, Talent42, Recruiting Trends Conference, SRSC, SourceCon, Social Recruiting Summit, and WTPF. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland at College Park with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology.