A couple of decades ago, few business departments had regular access to analytics. However, over time, most business functions have significantly evolved. … Read more

Wes Wu
Wes Wu is currently the Vice President, Advisory Services for Visier. A much sought-after industry expert, he helps organizations use insights to better execute on their workforce and people strategies.
He is a human capital leader and strategist, who transforms organizations for the rapidly changing workforce of the future. He is an early adaptor of HR robotics and is skilled in delivering evidence-based business, human resources and operational outcomes grounded in data analysis and insights.
Until 2018, Wes was a partner in the Ernst & Young (EY) Americas Advisory Services practice in the West Region. In this role, he helped develop and launch EY’s Future of Work offering and served as market leader to educate and deploy Future of Work strategies for clients. In addition, he created the region’s HR robotics service offering and helped leading employers deploy HR Robotics Process Automation.