In today’s fierce recruiting environment, expect to be asked penetrating questions about your company, its culture, and the career development employees … Read more

Victor Assad
Victor Assad is the CEO of Victor Assad Strategic Human Resources Consulting and managing partner of an innovation consulting firm. With over 30 years of experience, he has been an active member of executive business teams and the leader of human resources organizations in fast-paced, high technology multinational companies. Assad has worked with small and large companies over the past four years, upgrading their human resource capabilities and practices (recruiting, compensation, performance management, health and safety, and benefits), helping them select HR technology, recruiting technical and leadership roles, and developing collaborative and transparent cultures of innovation. He blogs weekly and is a frequent speaker on recruiting, other HR issues, leadership, and on how to create transparent and collaborative cultures of innovation at business conferences across North America. Assad holds a Master of Arts degree in human resources and industrial relations from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. He has executive certifications from Harvard and Kellogg.