Day 3 at SourceCon, yet the energy was just the same as Day 1. Rocki Howard, Chief Diversity Officer, Smart Recruiters, began her keynote by discussing how … Read more

Suneet Joshi
Suneet Joshi is a Senior Talent Acquisition Partner, with a soft corner for Technology hiring dwelling from his passion for staying updated with the latest trends in the Technology space, be it gadgets, coding languages, new tools to simplify/automate sourcing or day-to-day work.
He is currently at the forefront of hiring for one of Thomson Reuters biggest Technology Centre based out of Toronto, Canada. Having had an additional background in Branding in his past stint with the likes of ThoughtWorks and Publicis.Sapient,
Suneet likes to plan Hiring from a bird's view, incorporating an excellent experience not just for his hiring managers, but also for the candidates.