I hire non-recruiters who hire more than 1,000 people a year. Do I have your attention? If you’re reading this, and you’re a talent acquisition … Read more
Shawna Ford
Shawna Ford began her career in management in 2001 and soon after being afforded the opportunity to lead a team, realized her passion and energy derived from fixing process and training team members. Throughout her career she held many roles as manager/trainer/project lead in real estate, health care, and recently mortgage. After joining loanDepot in 2012 as a leadership training manager, she was asked to step into a role in recruiting to help build the team as well as implement process and procedures. After three months of working on process improvement within the recruiting department, she was moved to focus solely on recruiting as director of talent acquisition. She considers her “calling” to enhance and strengthen the talent at loanDepot by not only leading a solid recruiting platform but also growing her team to be a best-in-class department.