Layoffs and furloughs. Office shutdowns and business closures. Today, these are the topics making headlines—and taking up the focus of many HR … Read more

Robin D. Richards
Robin D. Richards is a proven successful entrepreneur and visionary strategist and a co-founder of CareerArc. Honored as a Readers' Favorite in Inc. Magazine's 2007 Entrepreneur of the Year Award, Mr. Richards has also received Customer Interaction Solutions Magazine's Lifetime Achievement Award and the LAVA (Los Angeles Venture Association) Award for Best M&A. Prior to forming The NTI Group Inc., he served as the CEO of Vivendi Universal Net USA, an entity created to oversee the U.S. Internet-related companies owned by Vivendi Universal. Mr. Richards was also the founding president and chief operating officer as well as a director of, Inc., the Internet's first and preeminent digital music provider that had the largest IPO for an independent Internet company at that time. He was the lead negotiator in the sale of to Vivendi Universal.