Editor’s Note: This is the 10th of 12 essays from the new book, The Rise of HR; Wisdom From 73 Thoughts Leaders. It’s compiled by Dave Ulrich, Bill … Read more

Richard Antoine
Richard Antoine is president of AO Consulting, an HR consulting firm working with CEOs and chief human resources officers on leadership, talent development, and HR strategy. He also serves as president of the National Academy of Human Resources (NAHR). In 2008, Antoine retired from Procter & Gamble after a 39-year career in supply chain and HR. For 10 of those years, he served as P&G's global HR officer, reporting to CEO AG Lafley. Currently, Antoine chairs the board of the University of Wisconsin Foundation and serves on the boards of Northlich Advertising and IRC (Industrial Resources Counselors). He is also on the advisory boards of the University of Wisconsin Engineering School and the Center for Brand and Product Management.