Raghav Singh is the co-founder and chief product officer at eVolv, a Bay Area startup building products to support employee engagement and increase productivity. He has held leadership positions at several major technology vendors including Salesforce, Oracle, Korn Ferry Digital, and IBM. Raghav's career has included work as a consultant on enterprise HR systems and as a recruiting and HRIT leader at several Fortune 500 companies. Opinions expressed here are his own.  

Catch Me if You Can

You have a great candidate who seems ideal for the job you’re looking to fill and you start researching her online. You land on her Facebook page where you … Read more

More Net than Work

A lot of employers that have started using social media are doing so without fully understanding the opportunities and challenges associated with it. The … Read more

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Looking for a job as a recruiter? After a long lean period, things are looking up. The long night has ended and we’re still here. It’s over. After two … Read more

Recruiting Follies

Recruiting often requires creativity, especially when candidates are hard to find. But sometimes creativity results in strange or weird approaches to … Read more

The Big W

In the movie “It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world” a bunch of people are trying to find a fortune buried under a “big W.” The movie … Read more

The Wow Moment

The recent unemployment report showed that the loss of jobs for November was only 11,000, and average hours worked increased from 33 per week to 33.2. The … Read more

The New, New Thing

I recently tried to arrange a meeting with someone visiting the Twin Cities and learned from his office that he’d asked that anyone wanting to reach him … Read more