Raghav Singh is the co-founder and chief product officer at eVolv, a Bay Area startup building products to support employee engagement and increase productivity. He has held leadership positions at several major technology vendors including Salesforce, Oracle, Korn Ferry Digital, and IBM. Raghav's career has included work as a consultant on enterprise HR systems and as a recruiting and HRIT leader at several Fortune 500 companies. He is also a quadriplegic and an advocate for disability rights in Minnesota. Opinions expressed here are his own.  

Beetles vs. Jobs

Regulations are strangling job growth Businesses are sitting on about $2 trillion in cash. That’s enough to fund 27 million jobs, or reduce unemployment to … Read more

Go South, Young Man

Texas Adds Over 700,000 Jobs The line was “Go West, Young Man” — and it was true for a long time. That’s where the money and the jobs were: … Read more

Making Whuffie

Build Social Capital to Succeed with Social Media “The Whuffie Factor” is a book about using social networks to build your business. The concept of whuffie … Read more