Paul Hawkinson is the editor of The Fordyce Letter, a publication for third-party recruiters that's part of ERE Media. He entered the personnel consulting industry in the late 1950's and began publishing for the industry in the 1970's. During his tenure as a practitioner, he personally billed over $5 million in both contingency and retainer assignments. He formed the Kimberly Organization and purchased The Fordyce Letter in 1980.

The ABCs Of Our Business

We’ve all heard about “A” players as the desired target in recruiting. They’re those elusive “passive candidates” who are currently employed … Read more

It’s Not My Fault

Reader Steve Portman wrote, “I keep reading in The Fordyce Letter and hearing from my colleagues that business is rebounding. Our assignment flow is … Read more

Time vs. Outcome

This may sound like a keen grasp of the obvious but, unfortunately, it is far from apparent for too many in our business. The only thing you have to sell … Read more