We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. –T. S. … Read more

Nick Chatrath
A master CEO, executive coach, author, and AI & humanity expert, Nick Chatrath has been helping corporate executives, public figures, politicians and many others find their calling and create a positive impact on their productivity, businesses, co-workers, employees and society for 20 years.
Viewed as a practical, energetic, observant, positive, caring, and challenging coach, he has been known to kick-start profound change by combining two approaches rarely found together: strategic business thinking and inclusive, soulful reflection.
A self-proclaimed “sponge for information,” he developed this mindset thanks to his unique background that combines educational theory and business practice. He studied Mathematics, Modern and Medieval French, Management Studies, Christian Theology, Atheism, and Islamic Law at the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Nottingham in the UK. He also holds a Doctorate in Oriental Studies from the University of Oxford. His professional experience includes being a Management Consultant at Andersen and McKinsey & Co., and eventually establishing his own coaching practice and serving as CEO of Coachify and, more recently, managing director of Artesian, a consultancy that brings soulful leadership to over 1,000 people each year.