On July 17th, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court unanimously held that an employee may pursue a disability discrimination claim under state law … Read more

Nancy N. Delogu
Nancy Delogu is an employment attorney with Littler Mendelson. She is a recognized authority on federal and state drug-free workplace and drug-testing issues and has drafted dozens of substance-abuse prevention policies, including Department of Transportation-mandated programs. She also helps DOT-regulated employers comply with regulations and requirements addressing workplace safety and medical certification. She also counsels clients on implementing reductions-in-force that comply with the federal OWBP and WARN acts and similar state statutes.
Nancy is a frequent presenter and trainer on harassment avoidance, conducting lawful investigations, and drug and alcohol testing. She has testified before the United States Commission of Civil Rights regarding the ADA and substance abuse. She is former counsel and associate director of the Institute for a Drug-Free Workplace. She is a former adjunct professor at the College of William & Mary's Marshall-Wythe School of Law where she co-taught an introductory course on traditional labor law. She was also an academic representative for West Publishing.
Nancy also is a member of the Steering Committee of the Women's Leadership Initiative.