OESS- Obsessive Exotic Sourcing Syndrome…….(If you don’t know what this is, I suggest you read this article by Glen Cathey…. “Do You Suffer from Obsessive … Read more
Mike Chuidian
Mike Chuidian is a veteran of the TA Sourcing space and has held Senior, Lead and Principal Technical Sourcing roles with Uber, Walmart Labs, Lowe's, Sears Holdings Corp and Deloitte, where he lead multiple sourcing projects, developed and conducted talent sourcing training modules. He currently is an Executive Tech Sourcer at ServiceNow, where he is focused on growing and building out the Data Science and ML Engineering and leadership teams. He has also helped build out a scalable talent sourcing infrastructure from the ground up. He has also spoken at several conferences, namely SourceCon, and keynoted a couple of them spreading the good news of Talent Sourcing.