Mark E. Berger, CPC has been in permanent placement since 1979 and has been a partner in Berger/Nowlin, Inc. since 1997. Previously, he owned M. E. Berger & Associates, a permanent placement firm. He has been heavily involved in internet recruiting since 1996 and has successfully attained the AIRS CIR (Certified Internet Recruiter) designation. He is on the Board of Directors for the Missouri Assn. of Personnel Services and can be reached via email at

Email Communication

Seems like these days there is still a very strong interest in the recruiting community, and Fordyce Letter subscribers as well, in sourcing new and … Read more

Swat Recruiting

RESUMate Anyone who reads this column with any regularity knows that I review recruiter database software almost every month, as the interest in that topic … Read more

Big Biller

Big Biller For this month, I had the pleasure of reviewing the Big Biller applicant tracking system from Top Echelon. I was a member of this venerable … Read more