Mark E. Berger, CPC has been in permanent placement since 1979 and has been a partner in Berger/Nowlin, Inc. since 1997. Previously, he owned M. E. Berger & Associates, a permanent placement firm. He has been heavily involved in internet recruiting since 1996 and has successfully attained the AIRS CIR (Certified Internet Recruiter) designation. He is on the Board of Directors for the Missouri Assn. of Personnel Services and can be reached via email at

Internet Recruiting

State of the Internet I think by now most of us have come a long way towards integrating the multitude of uses for the Internet into our workflow. However, … Read more

Internet Recruiting

LinkedIn – To Pay or Not To Pay As LinkedIn continues to gain steam in the recruiting com-munity as a bonafide tool to locate both active and passive … Read more

PC Performance

Let’s see . . . we all have our database running. Maybe a browser tab or two, or three. Of course, our Outlook is going. Plus a Word doc or Excel … Read more

Internet Recruiting

Tips Galore With the holiday past and not a lot of free time at this time of year, I am offering my annual column of tips from about the last 14 months or … Read more

Internet Recruiting

Power Tools for Power Searching The recruiter community is continuously bombarded with calls and emails from industry vendors offering quick and easy ways … Read more

Internet Recruiting

Electronic Recruiting 101 2007 Edition By Shally Steckerl I have been wanting to review this book for quite some time and am very pleased I was finally … Read more

Internet Recruiting

DIVER by Broadlook Looks like the people at Broadlook Technologies have another winner on their hands. I was happy to be able to download and test drive … Read more

Internet Recruiting

ResumeFinder by eGrabber Those of you who attended the Fordyce Forum last June are already familiar with this venerable provider of products to the … Read more

Internet Recruiting

LinkedIn Tips by Bill Vick I recently received an email from Bill Vick, industry icon, LinkedIn expert, and all-around nice guy who wanted to share some … Read more