Magi Graziano, as seen on NBC, is the CEO of Conscious Hiring® and Development, a speaker, employee recruitment and engagement expert and author of The Wealth of Talent. Through her expansive knowledge and captivating presentations, Magi provides her customers with actionable, practical ideas to maximize their effectiveness and ability to create high-performing teams. With more than 20 years’ experience as a top producer in the Recruitment and Search industry, she empowers and enables leaders to bring transformational thinking to the day-to-day operation. For more information on Magi please visit    


After 22 years in recruiting and staffing, I am energized by what I see ahead for our industry. The future is both exciting and distinctly different from … Read more


What is it for you? What is your core differentiator? How will you stand out from the sea of competition? With the impending employment crisis budding, … Read more

Choose Wisely

The Shoe Maker’s kids go around with holes in their shoes.  I hear this repeatedly as an analogy for how recruitment companies run and operate.  … Read more