Due to a lack of accountability, maintaining tabs on off-site workers is necessary, but difficult. If your company is hiring a large number of these … Read more

Lauren Collinson
As a senior communications specialist at Berkshire Associates, Lauren manages and develops content based on the latest human resources trends and updates impacting the industry. Lauren works directly with leading compliance, recruitment, and HR experts across the country to produce leading insights and resources. With 10 years’ experience at Berkshire, Lauren’s understanding of the human resources field lets her provide information that is relevant to current industry needs.
Lauren oversees all Berkshire’s internal and external content management, including whitepapers, case studies, newsletters, press releases, and blogs. She is a regular contributor to the popular, BALANCEview HR and affirmative action news blog. Lauren manages Berkshire’s media relations, speaking engagements, and events. She specializes in social media management, copywriting, campaign management, and public speaking.
Lauren is also a freelance writer, having contributed content to both business and commercial audiences. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communications from Towson University. She is an active member of the Public Relations Society of America.