Kerry O'Shea is the Head of Recruiting for Diversity, Equity, and inclusion at Google Asia Pacific. Based in Singapore, he joined Google in 2011 and helps drive key diversity and inclusion initiatives across Asia and globally.

For his first 7 years at Google, he managed teams of recruiters covering Southeast Asia, Japan, China, and India. Prior to Google, Kerry worked in recruitment and HR management roles for over 2 decades across the biotech, investment banking, technology, and executive search sectors.

As a trainer, coach, and mentor, he has facilitated workshops for thousands of Google employees, managers, and leaders on topics such as mission, culture, strategy, change, influencing, decision-making, adaptability, inclusion, and overall team effectiveness.

Kerry also runs leadership workshops for venture company founders as part of Google for Startups initiatives, frequently coaching CEOs 1x1 on people issues. He was a mentor for startups under the UN Sustainable Development Goals initiative. Kerry joined the Singapore government's National Skills Advisory panels and was a Part-Time Lecturer (Tutor) at the prestigious Nanyang Technological University from 2019-2021.

A graduate of Trinity College Dublin (BA in Business & Economics) and London Business School (executive education), Kerry is married with a son. His interests include travel, comedy, poetry, movies, and music.