Ken Gaffey ( is currently an employee of CPS Personal Services ( and has been involved in the Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration project since its inception. Prior to this National Security project Ken was an independent human resources and staffing consultant with an extensive career of diversified human resources and staffing experience in the high-tech, financial services, manufacturing, and pharmaceutical industries. His past clients include Hewlett Packard, First Data Corporation, Fidelity Investments, Fleet Bank, Rational Software, Ericsson, Astra Pharmaceutical, G&D Engineering, and other national and international industry leaders. In addition to contributing articles and book reviews to publications like ERE,, AIRS, HR Today, and the International Recruiters Newsletter, Ken is a speaker at national and international conferences, training seminars, and other staffing industry events. Ken is a Boston native and has lived in the greater Boston area most of his life. Ken attended the University of South Carolina and was an officer in the United States Marine Corps.

Developing Great Managers

Despite your efforts to locate?? either internally or externally?? the best possible management candidates, at the hiring stage your work has only just … Read more


We celebrate all kinds of anniversaries in our lives: our own birth or the birth of those close to us, wedding days, the day we proposed to that person … Read more

HR Is Just Overhead?

HR is just overhead. Have you ever heard that before? If you haven’t, please tell me where you work. I’ll send my resume to you first thing in … Read more

Assumed Intimacy

We are in the influence-peddling business. God knows, with the limited authority granted HR/staffing, influencing is usually our only hope of affecting and … Read more

20/20 Visionary

If you are looking for the pro forma, here’s-a-neat-idea-to-improve-resume-processing article all packaged up with a bow ó sorry, not today. … Read more