Kay Kelison is a respected social media strategist and a principal sourcer who has been in the recruiting industry over fourteen years. She currently works as a Principal Researcher / Trainer for Zillow Group where she partners with both business and recruiting functions to build candidate pipelines, develop targeted sourcing plans, build and manage successful sourcing initiatives, and manage customer/partner expectations. Additionally, she is involved in the developing and managing diversity recruiting efforts through social networking platforms on websites including LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. Kay is an open networker and encourages you to connect with her.

Believe Me, YOU Matter!

I read a quote today, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow” and started thinking do we really know we matter? And if so, do we believe … Read more

Sourcers Need to Own It!

This I have learned over the last 19 years; gosh I am old; the only real way you’re going to get better at anything is owning it. Why look to someone else, … Read more

Voice of Intuition

Instincts, gut feelings, hunches, premonitions, all of these words point to a deep capacity that we all carry inside known as intuition. The word intuition … Read more