Growing up a military brat, John Reagan was always immersed in diverse environments.  After some time in HVM Warehousing, his interest in people and technology was recognized by a friend and recruiting mentor, Michael Sullivan. After helping Mike successfully launch Sullivan Group LLC, the impact of the dot-com bubble lead John Reagan away from recruiting and into customer support. He worked at Microsoft PSS on contract, where he regularly exceeded all KPI expectations and confounded his managers with his depth of technical knowledge. took a liking to John during an interview and found his vision and ideas interesting. This landed him a permanent role in its customer support team. It was there that he realized the core of any successful business is customer service. 

Bringing with him the personalized, focused approach taught to him under Mike, he quickly rose through the ranks of the Speakeasy Call Center to become corporate trainer in four short years.

Once again, his recruiting mentor called upon him and his technical understanding to help bring order to a chaotic group. This time it was at Siemens Business Services, hiring A- contractors for Microsoft, where he would stay for the next four-and-a-half years.  Successfully helping fend off the efforts of three major recruiting agencies, helping to lead Siemens into technical prowess among vendors. Since he was in such a strong position with Microsoft, his request to work remotely from Las Vegas was approved.  Times were good, for a while.

After the housing market fallout and the Great Recession began, he was forced into a long, government-sponsored vacation. At the end of the vacation, he started a contract with an Amazon subsidiary. Then with Avanade twice, the Venetian, Capgemini, and more recently IBM where he was assisting with their assimilation of acquisition teams. Each time, his skill, ability, and understanding of the operations growing. Not from just one perspective, but from all the perspectives encountered.