If there is a need for creative and strategic recruiting with proven results, Jennifer Brigham, founder of Brigham Group Staffing of Minneapolis, MN, is there. Highly accomplished, yet refreshingly down-to-earth, she leads the staffing industry with three decades of thought leadership. Jennifer is a frequent speaker and blogger about strategic staffing for entrepreneurs, and the power of recruiting via social networking tools. A life-long supporter of women in business, Jennifer recently implemented a scholarship for female students at Dunwoody College of Technology in Minneapolis, Minnesota, empowering and offering opportunities to women in the field of technical manufacturing. Humor, intellect and recognition by her peers make Jennifer a true thought leader and career professional. Brigham and her firm have been recognized as a business leader in the staffing and recruitment industry many times over: Top 25 Temporary Employment Firms in the Metro Area, 2003-2009, Twin Cities Business Journal; ?Woman to Watch? 2009, Twin Cities Business Journal; Received NAWBO (National Association of Women Business Owners) Emerging Business of the Year, 2007 and Wise Woman, 2003 awards from Minnesota Chapter; NAWBO-MN Board Member; Member, Women Presidents Organization (WPO); Member, Twin Cities Human Resource Association (TCHRA) and SHRM.

Lemonade, Anyone?

The last two years have really proven challenging to any staffing firm, let alone a small, two-office firm specializing in worker bees—the entry-level … Read more