LinkedIn and its user agreements, yes they make some recruiters and sourcers uneasy, but I always tell my cohorts, there is always another way to the … Read more
Greg Hawkes
Greg Hawkes is a Principal Sourcing Leader and VP, Speaker, Author, and Creator of the SourcingIRL Youtube & TikTok Channels, Founder of the HRSourcingToolbox and the HealthcareSourcingToolbox.
He has worked in technology, engineering, healthcare, biotechnology, manufacturing and many other industries. He is an ongoing contributor to Sourcing Community – with topics ranging from Site Searches and CSEs, to Deep Dives and URL Sourcing. He is a huge fan of emerging technologies and Boolean Syntax and always willing to share a technique or hack to find the elusive purple squirrel.
SourcingIRL started as an Opensource Recruitment project that’s evolved into fully fledged YouTube and TikTok Channels in addition to the tool sites. With the videos, you’ll find recruitment tools, strategies, and 5minHacks that I’ve learned and continue to learn as technology evolves. Whether you are a Sourcer, Recruiter, Jobseeker looking for insider tricks, these channels have the content to help.