Barb Bruno, CPC, CTS, is one of the most trusted experts, speakers, and trainers in the Staffing and Recruiting Professions. If you want to receive FREE training articles from Barb, sign up for her NO BS Newsletter! Barb has spent the last twenty years focused on helping Owners, Managers, and Recruiters increase their sales, profits, and income.

Her Top Producer Tutor web-based training program jumps-starts new hires and takes experienced recruiters to their next level of production. Barb's cutting-edge program, Happy Candidates, provides you with a Customized Career Portal in less than 10 minutes. Happy Candidates allows you to help the 95% of candidates you don?t place and eliminates the greatest time waster in your business.

If you'd like to contact Barb, call (219) 663-9609 or email

Ask Barb

Q. I have been in this business for over 20 years and I have never come up with an answer on how to get my recruiters to produce more. They all have … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. We are losing deals left and right. My firm has never written more job orders, but they are closing right around us. I feel like my recruiters have lost … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. I have two experienced top producers who work for me and each individually produces over $500,000 annually. They have their dream home, cars, money in … Read more

Ask Barb

HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE! Let’s work together this coming year, to break Production and Profit Records in your Office! Q. Can you send me some … Read more

Ask Barb

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a healthy, happy, blessed, prosperous Holiday Season! Q. I just received a call from a … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. I’ve heard you say on several occasions NOT to quote the salary range to candidates.  It is getting more difficult than ever to recruit candidates … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. My Top Producer has been with me for over six years.   Her work habits are progressively getting worse, and now her negative attitude is adversely … Read more

Ask Barb

Next month’s questions should be emailed to:, please reference “Fordyce” in the subject line! Q. The last few … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. The market has dramatically improved, but I’m still having a difficult time landing the clients I have targeted. I’ve followed your advice and ask … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. I subscribe to many Internet Job Boards like Monster, Dice and others that cost me thousands of dollars a year. It seems my recruiters spend all their … Read more