Barb Bruno, CPC, CTS, is one of the most trusted experts, speakers, and trainers in the Staffing and Recruiting Professions. If you want to receive FREE training articles from Barb, sign up for her NO BS Newsletter! Barb has spent the last twenty years focused on helping Owners, Managers, and Recruiters increase their sales, profits, and income.

Her Top Producer Tutor web-based training program jumps-starts new hires and takes experienced recruiters to their next level of production. Barb's cutting-edge program, Happy Candidates, provides you with a Customized Career Portal in less than 10 minutes. Happy Candidates allows you to help the 95% of candidates you don?t place and eliminates the greatest time waster in your business.

If you'd like to contact Barb, call (219) 663-9609 or email

Ask Barb

Q. I’ve been a recruiter for only six months and don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I work harder than everyone else in my office, but … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. In one of your recent teleconference calls, you suggested that we send a list giving candidates a sampling of the job orders we have in house. What … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. I am in an expansion mode currently, and I am moving my office in the next six months. I am weighing the pros and cons of private offices vs. a bullpen. … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. I recruit in healthcare. I know people who recruit in other industries and make placement after placement. Sometimes I have quarters like that; … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. Do you have any ideas how to retain top producers? I can’t keep increasing their commission because then I don’t make any profit. I’ve … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. When you target a company for a specific search, how do you identify the “right” person to call? Donna F., Omaha A. Here are several tips on … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. I’m tired of hearing about the great job market. I’m finding it a very competitive and difficult market! Can you share some of the sales … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. I’m tired of losing my candidates, waiting for my clients to make hiring decisions. I don’t send my candidates to other clients, but they … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. I’m writing to you out of pure frustration. Our company has been sold and now we only have ownership of our candidates for 90 days. Everyone knows … Read more

Ask Barb

Q. I’m an owner of a successful staffing firm and I’ve been in business for eight years. I’ve participated in your free teleconference … Read more